The Nurse Residency Program begins twice yearly, in April and September, as a one-year residency curriculum. Professional development activities combining lectures, case studies, discussion groups, and hands-on experiences are held monthly.
Nurse residents will complete an evidence-based project that influences nursing practice and integrates the best available scientific evidence with the best available experiential evidence to enhance the culture of North Kansas City Hospital's nursing care.
All nurse residents will be required to provide an exemplar – a written account of a nurse and patient interaction that will be posted and shared at graduation for attendees to read and enjoy!
Exemplars are normally very touching, moving, and often emotional. Think of a time in which you feel you made a difference to a patient, a family, or a situation in healthcare. It may be a particular situation in which you think you made a difference, or your intervention made a difference in a patient outcome, directly or indirectly.
A recruiter will contact you to schedule your interview.
Attend your virtual interview (via Zoom) with our nurse recruiters and nurse leaders.